It's nice to finally write a travelling post and believe it or not I'm just done editing all the photos from my latest Singapore trip and here I am blogging it. 2200+ photos to be sorted and edited causes me a lot of hours in front of the laptop, hurt on the back, two glasses of ice teas, but all of the process was so much fun, it's honestly almost like going back to the moment and travelling through the photos.
I decided to divide this long post into two posts because the whole post contains 100+ photos and it's going to be a heavy post with enlargeable photos, and beside I want you to keep excited because I can't barely share everything in one post, so stay tuned :).
I went to Singapore with my sister and two of my beloved cousins, we spent 4 days in Singapore and it was total fun! I love them and they're my closest family members and that sums everything up, I have days filed with joy, laughter, tiredness, hurt feet (due to the miles and miles of walking), fat bellies for tons of food we're having (but that's okay, we walk miles and miles so we kinda did exercise a lot), but let's just sum everything in one word and one word only...FUN!!!!!
As you probably know, Universal Studio is the ultimate playground/fantasy world/everyone's guilty pleasure of the world they've always been dreaming of having...say thanks to all the fantasies and the movies we watched during out childhood and the existence of Universal Studio is the representation of that. In South East Asia, it is the brand's first branch and it's always been super crowded, I went here not on the weekend, but the crowd just never dies, it's filled with people all around the world, and that's what I love about Singapore itself, it's so attractive for tourist (me also) and that's why I always want to keep coming back to Singapore. One of the best countries in the whole world, I hope one day my own country can be like Singapore or even better *brb praying*.
So let's start the FUN!
Usually, to get here you need to have a little trip using the MRT or the cab, but since we were staying at the Michael Hotel (just across Universal) and we became a member of the Resort World, we were granted S$250 voucher you can redeemed for the tickets! Fantastic.
Since I went on weekdays, the ticket was S$68, let's have a little math. S$68 * 4 = S$272
S$272 - S$250 = S$22
We only spent S$22 for 4 people! We are blessed!
Such a great way to save your money for other things (read: shopping).
Posing in front of the Universal globe!
I love bright colors! and I've always loved the various colors of candies <3.
Grand entrance of Universal Studio Singapore!
Carefully capturing the photo of this man, I just love how he dressed in all red.
We're entering the Universal Studio Singapore now! and let me take you to see the interior.Ever since I was little, I've always been a big fan of vintage, almost art-nouveau and victorian artchitecture completed with great details and a lot of curves...and that's exactly what your eyes are served when you step into this giant fantasy world.
Posing with my cousin with this cute hats available outside a shop, I honestly didn't know that it can be used for free pictures but I saw a lot of people doing it, and I saw no price tags so I guess it's free.
My gorgeous sister.
The churros van, too bad I didn't try the churros but a lot of people recommended me when I post a sneak peek pictures on my Facebook and Instagram.
The magnificent interior of USS.
If you're familiar with Monster Rock, the show inside was like a musical drama starring various acts, overall they served an awesome performance. Too bad that pictures are not allowed inside and there are authorized securities inside, but sometimes it's a good thing so we can't spoil everything inside and that will keep people wondering and excited about this place.
I remember two years ago when I first went to USS (the grand opening of the USS when only 60% of the construction done but still beautiful), we're served with $S5 as meal voucher and that promotion is no longer exists and Mel's Diner has the most awesome burger ever! I love their chicken burger, it's pretty huge and they also have awesome french fries.
I love how they designed the restaurant, yes it's diner like and I love it!
The signature big yellow taxi of NYC!
A van selling everything Sesame! Elmo is my favorite character of all the Sesame Street.
Best of the world!
We're entering the HIGH END FUTURISTIC ZONE!
Here you can see and enjoy Transformers and all space relevant
Candid picture of me taken by my cousin.
I'm now taking you to tour the Transformers lab interior! It's super futuristic almost unreal!
Universal Studio Singapore designer is such a genius! I wanna give him a big hug.
Look at this fantastic design, I feel like I'm in the movie for a second.
"Look, we found the stone!" I shouted, and since we're a group of lunatics, we acted for our own pleasure like we're starring in the movie LOL.

I will not spoil any of the Transformer ride, the thing is, it's a 3D attraction and you're living in the ride, you can barely feel your body. You need to try it out for yourself.
The only picture I'm trying to edit very vintage and almost polaroid like, it took me more than 10 minutes to edit this picture.
Moving on to the Egyptian zone, filled with stunning architecture.
You'll find a lot of these twin standing sphinx (I honestly don't know what to call it).
Prince of Egypt, well as you can see his body is well scluptured but I don't know why I'm a bit intimidated but not scared, and you need to see the look on his face, he acts so good that he scared people sometimes.
Princess of Egypt, she has the flattest abs I've ever seen on a woman, even when she held her breath, you can see the muscle!
Gorgeous details and architecture.
This is the most amazing part of the Egyptian zone, I love this high architecture and those statues, I have always had this huge interest in great details stuffs and I always praised people who crafted them, such genius and hardworker.
Moving on to the Jurrasic Park zone, during this moment it started to rain and I was drenched and 70% wet, another thing is because the Jurrasic Park arena is basically RAFTING, so you can imagine how wet that's going to be.
A seriously drenched picture of me.
I love this picture of a dad and his daughter, it's lovely and soulful and of course, wet.

Since we were all wet so we thought it's meal time! We went back to the Mel's Diner to have our lunch but I didn't eat anything because I was full (we had our breakfast earlier and I'm still full).
I took the photo of their gorgeous fries. Thick and yummy!
Right after the meal we went for a little break and we literally finished 80% of all the fun rides YAY so we went for a little shopping time and walk our way along with the fun.
The 5th Avenue / Palace Broadway
Street dancing was so much fun to watch, they also ask the audience to join the vibe and they're all crazy confident and dancing randomly :D.
Posing nearby 5th Avenue Broadway
Pic with my sister! We look more alike with our glasses on.
Incase you're wondering I got my white glasses they day before at H&M Orchard Rd.
Funky monks.
My sister with my cousin, they are so beautiful.
I guess that's it for the first part of my USS & Sentosa blogpost!
I'm leaving you with this teaser of my second part of this post!
You must be familiar with this.
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