Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Some Happy News...

for some reasons, the white background turned grey WTF!

O Ma Gah this post is going to short but filled with happiness because I couldn't wait to share you some amazing news! Okay, first as you can see from the picture above, eatandtreats just marked its...
10.000 daily hits!
Yes, a freaking 10.000 with five zeros!
and not only that, eatandtreats is reaching 1.000.000 page hits in short!

Everytime I see the stats growing (not that I am a stat craze), but honestly when you see the number's growing constantly, there is a sincere smile and happiness you have right there! It's like you realize something that you took care from a little 'baby' growing up to this more 'mature' profile. Thank you for being so loyal readers!!! *wipe tears*. I honestly and humbly feel a little awesome.

If you follow my Instagram, I posted a picture like around last week stating that I am going...emm, actually it's tomorrow...*drum rolls*
L O N D O N!!!

Seriously when I received the news, I was literally about to cry, it's just that for some reasons life has been treating me very nicely, but in a way very fairly (sometimes you gotta own it baby !!!). I have always dreamed about going to London! One of my most favorite cities in the world and typing this while realizing it's just 24 hours away from my departure, I couldn't be more thrilled! THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU LIFE and THANK YOU whoever is reading this!

In case you're wondering, I got invited to join the Chowzter Annual Tastiest Feast Award along with 30 chosen food bloggers all around the world. It's an annual event held by Chowzter in coordination with Coca Cola, and in case you're wondering again, Chowzter is a website and also a mobile app that will be the ultimate guide when it comes to finding the tastiest, most delicious treats in your region, definitely more about the soon to be amazing app after I got back, damnit I couldn't wait to bring my camera along on the streets of London and start taking pictures! Better save up some gigabytes on my laptop for tons of photos.

Yours truly will be back with zillion stories to share, but meanwhile better follow my Instagram because there's where I do most of the current postings, no, honestly I'll be a complete WiFi beggar and post whenever I could manage to steal a WiFi connection, connect to WiFi, not planning to buy any UK number.

Till then, have fun feeling what I want you to feel... jealous! MWAHAHAHAHA just kidding guys!!!

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