Saturday, September 13, 2014


In this tutorial, I am going to be showing you the easy and simple way to achieve that signature VSCO look on Photoshop as I received tons of requests to do this tutorial! Basically only three main steps that you need to follow and we're trying to achieve the T3 preset tone that would transform your photos like this:

Retro, faded and mild color.

Now let's start the eatandtreats three simple steps to create the VSCOcam look!

First we're going to start off with the "curves" adjustment that you can find in ->
but make sure your base photo is good enough because that's the quintessential thing about photo editing.
You're going to see the "RGB" bar and first, we're going to do the adjustment to the "Red" curve, set the red line to look like this:
Now set the adjustment to the "Green" and set the position of the lines to look like this:
Moving on to the "Blue" adjustment, set the position of the lines to look like this:
Now set the adjustment back to "RBG" and set the curve to look like this:

Pretty satisfied of how the color looks after the "curve" adjustment but I found that certain areas are still a tad over-saturated so I want to tone everything to an equal balance by adjusting the hue and saturation, I set the hue on the "-1" and tone down the saturation to "-11".
Now this is like the golden gate to create that VSCO look, most VSCO presets have this faded feel that hit just right on the shadows and awesome at balancing the highlight, and I mostly use the "Exposure" adjustment to create the faded look. The reason why I prefer using "Exposure" instead of "Curves" for the editing is because if you want to apply this editing to another photo and wanting to do adjustments, it's easier to do it using the Exposure bar rather than curves. The "Offset" adjustment is where to adjust the shadow (the black area in a photo), the more you're setting the bar to the right, the more faded (nearly white) the photo will turn out. I like old looking faded pictures but less is more so I set the "Offset" to +0,0165 and the "Gamma" correction to 0,90 to add in a little contrast.
...and voila! The editing is pretty much done! Here's the before and after look.
I also apply this editing to these photos I found on the internet and I was quite satisfied with the result! I think this photo works best on backlight pictures, heavy blurred background pictures and top shot pictures with wood background :).

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of Folies du Bonheur

Photo courtesy of Kinfolk Table

Photo courtesy of

Based on my experience dealing with colors and Photoshop, there will always be that one perfect tone for a photo, but one effect that works on a certain photo might not work with another photo, so the key is to practice practice practice and keep on experimenting with colors! I gotta admit I have been obsessing over Photoshop and colors.

Starting next week, I am going to be doing the eatandtreats Free Curve Sunday, the thing is, I am going to giveaway Photoshop curves (or tutorials) to enchance your pictures! I truly love to see people who have passion for Photography and I am more than pleased to help you in enhancing your pictures. I am creating some Photoshop actions (still developing them) and I am planning to sell it publicly in a few months. Crossed fingers that they'll come true soon <3.

I hope this tutorial helps! If you have any comments or questions, feel free to drop the comments below and don't forget to share this post <3.


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